Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Explorer Unit


Our Social Studies class embarks on a study of exploration...Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo, the European exploration around the world throughout the 1300-1500s, outer space and under sea. Students will have 3 packets of work to do during this time and therefore three quizzes, which will be announced as each packet is handed out. Also, the quarter project will focus on exploration. Each student will be assigned an explorer and will be doing a 3 part project...designing a poster, writing a report, and giving a speech as their character. The project paper will be attached to this blog as soon as it is handed out to students.

NOTE: Students will be asked during their speech to become the explorer, telling of their adventures in the first person narrative. It would be terrific if they could dress the part as well, but I do NOT want students going out to rent costumes or to have costumes made. Please go through the closets and the garage to find things for them to wear!

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