

A Major Social Studies Individual/Group Project

Grade 8
Colony: ________________________________








Massachusetts                      New York                                 Virginia

New Hampshire                    Delaware                                    Maryland

Connecticut                           New Jersey                                North Carolina

Rhode Island                         Pennsylvania                                South Carolina




Important things to remember

 1. Spelling counts

 2. Neatness counts

 3. Doing your own work counts big time

 4. You lose points for every day something is late

There will be 6 parts to this project. Each part is labeled with a point value. You will want to do well on EACH part as this will constitute a major part of your quarter grade. The 6 sections of this major project will be: KNOWLEDGE, COMPREHENSION, APPLICATION, ANALYSIS, SYNTHESIS, and EVALUATION.
Detailed directions will be provided for every section. If you have any questions….ask!!! Don’t just assume and then do it the wrong way. Unless you’re told otherwise, everything should be done in ink or on the computer. In all cases, write only on one side.



In Class:                                                                           At Home:

Comprehension Section                                                  Knowledge section

Application 2,4                                                               Application 1,3

Synthesis                                                                        Analysis

Evaluation (Speech)                                                        Evaluation (writing/practicing speech)

1. (15 points) Define the following words and write a good, explanatory sentence for each. Skip lines between each word. Please underline the word in the sentence you write. Notice, please, this is not just a definition. It includes also a sentence with the word used appropriately.
dog—a canine
My friend’s dog bit me when I tried to snatch his bone.


Apprentice       Common       Overseer      import
Plantation         Stockade       Cash crop    tenant farmer

2. (50 points) Identify the following:

Sometimes a sentence may be enough and sometimes it make take more. Convince me you know something about each person. Skip lines between each one.

Ann Hutchinson               Jamestown                          John Smith                 Miles Standish
George Calvert               Mayflower Compact            Reverent Thomas Hooker
Mason-Dixon Line          John George Mason             Roger Williams           Peter Minuit
Peter Stuyvesant             Triangular Trade                   John Berkeley            William Penn
James Oglethorpe       General Edward Braddock        William Pitt               Bacon’s Rebellion

3. (35 points) Make a chart showing the 13 original colonies, the founders of each colony, the major ways of making a living for each colony, and when each entered the Union. Your chart should be no larger than 12x18 sheet of paper…straight lines….researched information….neat….include your source or sources.


Research to find the following information. Write a short paragraph on each. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence followed by 3-5 sentences to elaborate and then a conclusion sentence to wrap it all up. You may do the paragraphs on the same papers—skipping lines between each numbered paragraph. Write on only one side each. (10.1 points each)

1. Explain a woman’s role in your colony.

 2. Explain the education system in your colony.

 3. Explain the extent of slavery in your colony.

 4. Explain religious practices in your colony.

 5. Explain the advantages of the materials used in house building in your colony.

 6. Explain how new clothing was attained.

 7. Explain the many uses and the importance of corn in the colonies.

 8. Explain the significance of the French and Indian War.

 9. Describe the basic form of English colonial government.

Complete each of the following. Drawings should be done first in pencil and then fully labeled and colored NEATLY. All written material should be in ink—no cross-outs, use white-out to correct mistakes.

 1. (10 points) Label and neatly color the map of the 13 original colonies.

 2. Some colorful characters are associated with the early days of the 13 original colonies. Choose one of the following and write a news story for your local paper. Be sure to include information from each of the “5 Ws” (who, what, where, when, why), plus how.

Peter Stuyvesant                         Samoset                              Titua                            Sir Edmund Andros

 Opechancanough                       Anne Hutchinson             Cotton Mather                  Benjamin Franklin

 Olaudah Equiana                        Mary Read                     Anne Bonney

  This news article should appear to be a news article—using the same form as those written in newspapers of today. (15 points)

 3. (10 points) Construct a flow chart showing the candle making process. List source

 4. (10 points) Write and illustrate, creatively, an acrostic poem about your colony.


Complete the following some way other than a written paragraph. Charts or diagrams should be drawn and labeled neatly. (50 points each)

1. Compare/contrast the clothing worn by colonists in northern and southern colonies 
2. Compare/contrast the work done by men and women in your colony.

SYNTHESIS….to be done in class

This section of the project will be a group effort and will receive a group grade. Everyone in the group will receive an identical grade regardless of your effort or lack of effort. Choose your group wisely. This must be in written form, neat, and grammatically correct.


You are the leaders of a group that is dissatisfied with recently enacted government policies. You find these rules both intolerable and against your beliefs. All offenders will be banished from the community. Your group decides to relocate to a place where you can be free from these rules.


1. Determine where your group will move (any place in the world) and explain why you chose that particular destination. Be specific with reasons and examples. (15 points)

2. Make a list of the government policies with which you are dissatisfied. Be specific. (10 points)

3. What rules will you initiate in your new community? Write a charter for your colony. This must resemble an official charter in nature, so you must do some research on this. (15 points)

4. Draw and label a map of the 13 colonies. Outline the Middle colonies with brown crayon or colored pencil, the New England colonies with orange, and the Southern colonies with green. Label each with its founding leader (s), religious affiliation (s), and name of the country origins of its settlers. Choose one of the three areas and explain why you would prefer to live there rather than either of the other two. Give reasons and examples. Provide the rough draft. (15 points)

5. Compare life among the Middle, New England, and Southern colonies with a three-way Venn diagram or chart. Some topics to include are slavery, religion, living conditions, crops grown, soil conditions, dress and fashions, religious toleration, voting rights, witchcraft, entertainments, farms and plantations, leaders, and significant contributions to society. (15 points)

6. Southern plantations were self-sufficient. Each one had its own gardens to grow fruits and vegetables, acreage for livestock, and fields where crops were grown. In addition, there were numerous buildings on the premises to house all of the supporting services. These included servants’ quarters, a school house, blacksmith’s shed, stable, and the main living quarters. Draw a map of a typical plantation. Label each building and tell what work went on there. Describe life there for a colonial child. This drawing should be clearly drawn—large enough to be clear—and should be neat and colorful. (15 points)


The colonists held town meetings in order to speak their minds on issues that affected the whole community.


 Here is your opportunity to speak out. Take a stand on an issue affecting our class which you think you can defend. Prepare a persuasive speech with contains reasons for your opinion. Using index cards only (and they will NOT have complete sentences on them!!!) present your speech to the class.



Remember…..your audience is your class

                …..you must convince us with your reasons and examples 
                 ……memorize your speech. Do NOT read it.  (SAID, NOT READ)



Written speech: 25 points

 Note cards: 25 points

 Presentation: 50 points



Name ________________________

Section ___



KNOWLEDGE 1. ________________

2. ________________

3. _______________




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2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

7. _______________

8. _______________

9. _______________




1. _____________

2. _____________

3. _____________

4. _____________




1. ______________

2. _____________




1. _____________

2. _____________

3. _____________

4. _____________

5. _____________

6. _____________






Written speech: _________

Index card notes: _______

Presentation: ___________