Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Explorer Unit Update

Explorer essays and speech grades were returned to students today. I asked them to put the essay and the grading sheet into their Social Studies binder so families could enjoy reading the essays as well as be up to date regarding grades.

There will be 3 more grades entered into the book prior to report cards: a quiz on Section 3 of the reading as well as the map test and unit tests already mentioned in earlier notes.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Explorer Project and TEST Update

Students turned in 110 fabulous posters this week. Please drop by and take a look at them! Finishing this week with taking notes, they have now begun writing the essay. It will be done completely in class, so you don't have to worry about it at home. Two things can be worked on at home for right now: 1) students need to turn in a cover page for the report by Thursday, October 14. They are totally aware that it has to be done 100% by hand! 2) I've handed out the Explorer test study guide to many students...some didn't come to pick it up. I'll have it at conferences with me, but will also catch the remainder of the students on Sunday, October 10.
TEST: I've put a copy of the study guide as a link at the right of this page. The map section will be given on Sunday, October 31. STUDENTS CAN USE THE BOOK, CHAPTER 2, TO FIND THE INFORMATION FOR COLORING AND ROUTES OF THE EXPLORERS. The test over Sections 1,2,3 will be given on Wednesday, November 3. It will be mostly short essays.